Friday, February 10, 2012

Respond to the Anusara crisis

Some of you asked me to respond to the Anusara crisis, so please allow me to post what I shared in the page of the Certified Anusara Yoga Teachers page:

Dear friends, there've been warnings about 2012. In Greece we have been witnessing the shattering process that threatens our socio-political structure and feeling the pressure in every and all relationships of our lives. Watch-out friends, the crisis will only escalate in every level. The question is a very personal one: how do we take care of every living being in the most compassionate and fearless way? How do we stand with truth and ahimsa and what is it that makes us stand up and speak out for what we believe? Let our truth serve as a mirror for others and for ourselves. May what we see make us stronger and clearer. Krishna tells Arjuna that action equals thought and vice-versa. Our actions are harmful when our thinking process is convoluted. Let us look at our thoughts calmly, courageously. Let us not be motivated by personal gain or satisfaction. In Buddhism one is supposed to practice for the benefit of all beings. Anusara always encouraged individuality, but the very notion of svantantrya was obviously misinterpreted and abused. As we go back to the drawing board, let us remember the basics.. Satya, ahimsa,...brahmacharya... In the process, let us remain unflinching, and still find compassion in our heart. All of us will reconnect with our own practice here. A great thanks to all of you who stepped up to express your truth. Peace, courage, love to all!

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